Today marks the 7 year anniversary of my very first ever Pure Haven Gathering. If you have never attended one, you need to book one now…. It’s transformative. Truly. To say it was life changing for me would be an understatement. It’s hard to put into words how much our lives have changed in the past 7 years and how unexpected it all was. A new business, travels, new friends, new skills, public speaking, coaching & team building are not what I was expecting but, it’s what I got, and I have loved it ALL. But more then that…. I gained knowledge. And knowledge is what I hope you will gain too.

7 years ago, I was already what some of you would call “crunchy”. I was already a label reader. If the doctors say you have allergies, you read the labels. That’s that. I had a lot of knowledge about ingredients acquired by research over the years, but nowhere to share it. Pure Haven gave me an avenue to share that knowledge. That is a pretty powerful thing. Why? Do you know what I remember most about the time prior to that first Pure Haven gathering? I remember being overwhelmed. I remember standing at Whole Foods, trying to find personal care products that were safe just like their labels said they were. Seemed simple enough… but it wasn’t. It was everything but simple…. I was getting greenwashed (more on that in another blog) and spending too much money on products that didn’t do what they promised to do. And I had no one to ask… At that first Pure Haven gathering, I found my community. I found direction and I found more knowledge.

When I do a workshop or a gathering for someone, I hope everyone leaves there thinking… “Ok, that was a lot of information but I’m not alone. I know where to start. I can take the first step.  I have support.” Let’s face it, I’m not thinking that after hearing me speak once you will overhaul ALL your products to non toxic products and become this eco-conscious, non toxic expert that now lives a green life where the words “fast food” and “fragrance” are never uttered again.  I’m not delusional 😊 My goal at these events is to get you to take one more step, without feeling overwhelmed. If you’ve never been exposed to the issue before, I want you to go open your cabinets at home and check out the labels of your products to see that what I’m talking about is true. If you already use what you think are “safe”, “organic” or “green” products, I want you to check that they really are (nothing is more frustrating than thinking you are making better choices, and paying more for them, and finding out you are not). If you are completely non toxic already, I just hope to expose you to a great line of products and have you join my tribe so we can talk about what else we could do to make this planet safer, greener, better for our kids. I want you to share what you have done already so that I can also learn more!

It’s a process, but no one should go at it alone. And it doesn’t have to be all or nothing either. I want to take you where you are at and help you take the next step.

Looking back at the past 7 years, my family certainly has made a ton of changes…. We ditched all toxins in our personal and home care products, we recycle more today than we did 7 years ago, we eat mostly organic at home (thanks PH for the extra income), we use reusable bags and water bottles, we got rid of plastic containers and bottles, we got a water filter, we don’t use non stick anything, we try to buy local when we can, we compost, we got rid of the microwave (easier than I thought it would be), we use alternative medicine first…. So much, right? But the point is, it wasn’t overnight. I started with the label reading and when that was second nature, we moved on to the next thing. And how did I know what the next thing was? I now have a community of people and some of them have made those changes so we can talk about it. Does that mean I’m never overwhelmed anymore? No, it doesn’t. But when it happens, I go back to my community and ask for help.

So today is more than just the 7th year anniversary of the day I launched my Get Non Toxic business out into the world. Today is the anniversary of the day I started to build my community. And with every Pure Haven gathering and workshop you guys book or host, I grow that community and our knowledge. So thank you! I’m truly looking forward to the next 7 years and beyond!

Want to be part of that community?  Join us at