Hi, I’m Catherine!

About 10 years ago I was a realtor, a wife and a mom to two very young girls, and I was having serious skin issues. After going to several dermatologists over the period of 2 years, I was diagnosed with severe rosacea and eczema on my face and told that I was likely allergic to some of the ingredients in my personal care products but, that it would be hard to figure out which ones since those products contained so many ingredients. Therefore they sent me home with a prescription for the rosacea and the following words said with a smirk: “ Maybe you can look into “natural” products and see if it helps”.  I was already a bit crunchy by then so I knew I was not going to fill the prescription. However, this is when my Non Toxic Journey began…

 I started doing some serious research on what, in my personal care products, could be causing such issues as what I was experiencing. I mean, I was already using “sensitive skin”, “dermatologist approved”, “free and clear”, “fragrance free” products! How could that be the issue? To make a long story short, let’s just say I was quickly horrified by what I discovered… The ingredients allowed to be put in our daily products (even worse, in my babies’ products!!!) were not necessarily safe… some common ingredients were carcinogens, skin irritants (what? in skin care products???) and endocrine disruptors! Some ingredients could even be legally left out of the labels!!! How? Why? I knew I needed to do something about this.

 Fast forward to today. I’m no longer a realtor, I’m an entrepreneur who has found my true passion. My husband and I still have those 2 beautiful girls but they are not so little anymore. I finally found a line of safe products that I can feel good about AND I have found a platform to share what I’ve learned along the way with everyone so that the journey is easier for you. I have built a successful team of hundreds of consultants to help me spread this important message and I would love to have you join us!

 I love what I do whole heartedly. Sharing a life changing message, helping my team members dream
and achieve financial freedom in the process…. there is no better feeling than that. I’m a true believer that anything is possible to those who can dream it and work for it. I’m a living exampleof that. Let me help you do this for yourself. I’m not perfect, I’m no different than you. That is why I  know it’s possible for everyone. Are you ready to change your life and the lives of those around you? Are you ready to take control of your time and your financial situation? I cannot wait to welcome you aboard!